All Things WPC
Partners for life
Community Engagement

t the end of every semester, outstanding business graduates across disciplines join the W. P. Carey alumni community. Welcome to the next stage of your Sun Devil journey, Class of 2021! Here are three ways to ensure you’re fully benefiting from the advantages of your alma mater. Hint: These tips apply to all W. P. Carey graduates.

Keep current contact info (including a personal email address) on file to ensure you receive our alumni communications, including email newsletters and event announcements. You can opt out at any time, and we also welcome your feedback regarding the content you receive from us.
Participate in short alumni surveys that make a big impact on when, where, and how we engage. We seek alumni feedback from all graduating classes and locations and refresh our surveys periodically.
bookmark, browse, and benefit
As we collect and learn from more alumni surveys, we will highlight even better programs and opportunities for engagement on your alumni homepage. Take a look once a quarter to see what’s new! From career resources and learning events to alumni stories and awards, there’s plenty to do and explore.
Congrats ASU grad! heart shaped cookie